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On the curious schemes of various activists, ideologues and politicians to minimise the emission of certain atmospheric gases by restructuring our energy supply and thereby our entire civilisation As the insanity of the pandemic era recedes, I find myself writing more and more about climate politics. Many of my posts on this matter – especially the last one – elicit disagreement from readers who believe that my arguments validate the premises of climate propagandists, who want me to know that


As the German Health Ministry drowns in millions of unwanted vaccine doses, Karl Lauterbach begs Germans to please, please line up for their fifth jab From the erstwhile vaccine propagandists at Der Spiegel, who I think are also tiring of the insipid autumnal vaccination liturgy and its noxious political enablers: Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has again called on people to get a booster vaccination. “Despite the pandemic and awareness campaigns, the importance of the


Christian Drosten, enduring virologoid villain, demands mass livestock virus testing and scientific truth panels to enhance pandemic preparedness and marginalise people who disagree with him Christian Drosten, the malevolent virologoid at Berlin Charité who achieved international prominence in 2020 as court virus astrologer to the Merkel government, and who acted for years as the public face of hygiene restrictions in the Federal Republic, is one of the great villains of the pandemic. From lockdowns to


Crazy Munich doctor earns nationwide press coverage with call for Germans to resume indoor masking because "we have a lot of infections right now," even though we don't Clemens Wendtner is an oncologist and head physician at the Munich Schwabing Clinic. Despite his total lack of epidemiological qualifications, he rose to prominence in the pandemic because he ended up treating some of the very first officially recognized Covid infections in Germany. In those early days, he was fond


Nobel Prize awarded to mRNA researchers in effort to "Encourage hesitant people to opt for vaccination in the reassurance that it is safe and effective" On 2 October, the biochemists Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman received the Nobel Prize for medicine and physiology, for their contributions to the development of mRNA vaccine technology. In 2005, Karikó and Weissman solved a crucial problem that had bedeviled all prior attempts to develop RNA-based therapies. This problem was


Study: With each Covid vaccination, healthcare workers get sicker – applying for progressively more leave and taking more analgesic medication after each dose “Inability to work following COVID-19 vaccination” is a modest paper just published in Public Health (paywalled, but available here as a preprint from last November), analysing data from the ‘CoVacSer’ cohort study, conducted out of Würzburg to monitor the effects of Covid infection and vaccination on healthcare workers. Of 1,
