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Spiegel schoolmarm demands that Germans "act responsibly" and "get their masks back out" so she doesn't feel uncomfortable being the only "oddball" wearing a face diaper in public We’ve encountered Head Girl Science Fan Veronika Hackenbroch here at the plague chronicle once before. She’s a medical writer for Spiegel who defended lockdowns until the very end and is still fighting a halfhearted rearguard action to keep Corona alive. Her latest is a diatribe demanding that Germans


German health authorities plead to parliamentary committee that they have yet to evaluate adverse vaccine events because there are too many of them The major German political parties will never investigate the pandemic response, because they are all complicit in it. Across the entire political landscape of the Federal Republic, the right-populist Alternative für Deutschland stands alone in its critical stance towards lockdowns and mass vaccination, and only in the state parliament of


Two German childcare centres in Nordrhein-Westfalen issue child sexuality manifestos, waxing poetic about the benefits of masturbation and outlining rules for child sexual play A few of you have asked about reports of “sexual exploration rooms” in German childcare centres, where young children are encouraged to masturbate and touch each other. While I have no doubt the field of child sexual pedagogy is unusually depraved, I suspected the reports were exaggerated or lacking important


Atlanta college with not a single documented SARS-2 infection imposes mask mandates and other "Covid-19 safety protocols" in a two-week campaign to crush the curve Also open thread. From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (h/t the invaluable Prof. Freedom): Two week[s] after classes began, Morris Brown College is once again requiring students and employees to wear face masks on campus. The small, private Atlanta college announced the mask mandate Sunday in a letter to faculty,


Bundeswehr plane dumps 200,000 litres of jet fuel into the atmosphere on two failed and unnecessary attempts to fly Germany's foremost Green politician to Australia Notorious air travel opponent and current Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock was set to return various sticks from a Leipzig museum to the Kaurna Aborigines. Last Sunday, Germany’s ridiculous Green Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock departed for a week-long tour of Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. The purposes of the trip
