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Atlanta college with not a single documented SARS-2 infection imposes mask mandates and other "Covid-19 safety protocols" in a two-week campaign to crush the curve

Also open thread.

From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (h/t the invaluable Prof. Freedom):

Two week[s] after classes began, Morris Brown College is once again requiring students and employees to wear face masks on campus.

The small, private Atlanta college announced the mask mandate Sunday in a letter to faculty, staff and students, saying the requirement and other COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place for two weeks. The college cited “reports of positive cases among students in the Atlanta University Center” as the reason for the decision.

Morris Brown President Kevin James told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in an email Monday that the college has received no reports of cases on its own campus yet. He described the steps as “precautionary measures.”

No cases to speak of: check. Two weeks to crush the (non-existent) curve: check.

The additional protocols include unspecified demands for “physical distancing,” bans on select “large gatherings,” compliance with contact tracing, temperature checks, and insistence on frequent hand-washing (even though we have known for years now that fomites are not a significant Covid infection vector).

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.