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Well, there is not much to say. It’s finally happened. I remembered conversations had with people coming on a decade ago now on the topic of ludicrously effeminate liberals screeching at the top of their lungs for reparations on Youtube. The white man, in their world, was the primordial source of all evil. Whiteness to them was at once a social construct and a de facto biological reality. It was systemically oppressive, yet every institution they expected to be righteously rallied against it. It was at once a culture and had no culture. The one thing it was for certain, though, was evil; the closest modernity had to the archetype of original sin.

At the time, we all laughed. It was 2014 and it was nothing more than a joke; some curiosity only seen on the internet and in no way an opinion anyone would have a reasonable chance at encountering in real life. There was a looming fear that this might one day escape these niche urbanite university students and go mainstream, but most people shook it off as some curious oddity of leftists being insane again. Despite this reaction, we are now at the point where the dialectic has been successfully pushed by this faction so that such ideas and concepts are mainstream. Needless to say, it is not as funny as it used to be.

It is the year 2023, and San Francisco has just approved the draft to have Black Americans receive reparations from the state, and therefore wealth expropriated by all other races within said state. I do not doubt that such a scheme will spread to other before inevitably being signed in by executive orders. It would not be surprising if a resurgent 2024 Trump presidency facilitated it in order to gain that little bit more of the black vote for Republicans.

For any latent libertarians, their contention is not just anyone who was brutalized for a gram of weed deserves reparations. They claim that the reason they are getting this round of reparations is because of the state of policing in the 80s. They aren’t bold enough to hand it out to every black person from everyone else (yet). They have set criteria of not just a mystical feeling of racism in the air but tangible real-world consequences. Why not then let Asian, Hispanic, White, or any other persons who were prosecuted under these laws have reparations? If they can provide the burden of proof that they were in fact harshly dealt with in the police encounter and with the sentence in proportion to the crime the only difference in the case is the melanin count. Yet, they have inextricably tied your right to reparations to your race.

That is the substance and the purpose of the bill: to expand Civil Rights to its logical systemic conclusion. No longer is it forced integration and the inability to choose who to hire and on what grounds with your business. No longer were you able to simply choose to live with your people and group, to feel that sense of community and homeland, but you must be deprived of it. Now, not only must you be deprived of that, but to achieve equity for all, you must be discriminated against, assumedly at least for the nebulous and ever-expanding designated period in which blacks were discriminated against in America. This undoubtedly will also eventually extend to the European colonies- the GAE rarely suffers any heterogeneity- and obviously, equity is not the end goal, but the animating feeling is of supremacy. The goal is and always has been the inversion of America’s white culture soul and its replacement with the African one. We can contest as to whether this is simply a stepping stone for a cultureless, homogenous, beige future, but for now, a particular group is elevated with considerable social and legal pressure backing its ascendency, and it remains to be seen whether the regime can control it.

This is the threshold. We are now at the point where we will see if the friends, family, and associates one might have spent endless hours trying to convince of the danger of this movement, can be convinced. To see such a blatant expression of intent and ethos drafted in this bill is about as transparent as the regime can get. Yet, in the age of Critical Race Theory in school, drag queen story hours, and “summers of love” I would not hold out hope.

For those who do not feel optimistic about the outcome of the interbellum, Eastern Europe is always there, perhaps South America. Whether one chooses to stand and fight it or flee to fight another day, it is clear now to see that the lines have pretty much been drawn.

Upon examination of this article, I have amended the previous tone and phraseology to better reflect the reality of the progress of the Bill. The bill is currently being debated and discussed, not whether it merits being passed in principle. That has already been decided and now only the minor details are being settled. Unless some drastic change or challenge occurs, one can expect the bill to be passed shortly.

Another update on this story has come to my attention pertaining to this line I had written:

“They claim that the reason they are getting this round of reparations is because of the state of policing in the 80s. They aren’t bold enough to hand it out to every black person from everyone else (yet).”

It seems that the prophesied future in which Blacks receive reparations for the impossible burden of being black in a white society may come to fruition sooner than expected. Currently, the floor is open to speakers commenting on the bill and activists have risen to the occasion to expand the reparations franchise to all black people of whatever societal status.

The new tact is to make the claim not on the basis of the war on drugs, which would inevitably be too restrictive and difficult to prove, but on the heritage of slavery in the black community. This successfully excludes all Asians and Hispanics, however, it neglects the reality that the majority of early white settlers and many contemporary white Americans were or are the descendants of bondsmen. These were criminals, the homeless, or simply children who wandered too far away from their parents in England that were subsequently kidnapped and hoisted onto a ship setting sail for the new world. Once there, they were to live in servitude to their masters on plantations for a fixed term, until payment was made for release, or in perpetuity dependent on the case. Another fact lost to history was that they were often treated more ruthlessly, as there was no guarantee they would be owned forever. This is actually where the term kidnapping originated. (Rothbard, 2019).
Regardless, the dialectic has once again sped up and reparations for the entire black race is on the table. I’m sure that even more recent immigrants closer to 1990 than 1790 will not be excluded.