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The competency crisis is upon us

The competency crisis is upon us
Photo by Christina @ / Unsplash

Our current managerial elite predicates its rule on the notion of expertise. Americans once believed that “popular will” granted a ruling class legitimacy, but that story has been replaced with one of scientific knowledge and credentials.

The modern political formula frames the world as a complex series of interconnected scientific disciplines that, if managed with a high degree of proficiency, can yield incredible material abundance and miraculous technological innovations. Competency is the key to utopia. Those who are able to obtain prestigious credentials gain the right to rule due to their unparalleled ability to manage complex systems.

But a fundamental shift in our political formula has put the system on a collision course with disaster.

The woke cultural revolution has escaped the universities that incubated its poisonous rhetoric and rooted itself deeply into every critical institution in the United States. This destructive doctrine seemed strange but quaint when it was being chanted by delusional college students, but everyone should have learned by now that the fashionable college ideology of today becomes the ruling dogma of tomorrow.

The armed forces, major corporations, and medical schools now prioritize diversity over the ability to perform tasks that are critical to people’s survival. Major institutions that are supposed to safeguard the critical functions of our civilization are more interested in elevating transwomen of color than the ability of the organizations to properly execute their functions. Selecting brain surgeons by the obscurity of their sexual preferences instead of their success rate would have sounded like a comedy sketch 10 years ago, but no one is laughing now.

Part of the managerial formula meant delegating all major social decisions to this distributed network of expert institutions. Power in the hands of a single leader, even an elected one, could be dangerous. Better to spread that responsibility across many highly competent organizations that specialize in the relevant disciplines. This makes decisive action more difficult, but in theory, it dramatically raises the quality of the policies that will eventually be implemented.

That sounds great when you are still pretending that these institutions are selecting “the best and the brightest.” But now? Please.

Expertise became the holy doctrine of our civilization, and every decision, from how parents educate their children to what we can say to each other on the internet, is mediated by these managerial institutions. These organizations, which now control our lives to an unprecedented degree, are run by those who are most willing to genuflect before the gods of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

This selection of ideological loyalty over merit has created a competency crisis inside our critical institutions. The older generations, selected for their ability to do their jobs, are being phased out, and the new generations, selected for skin color and gender fluidity, simply cannot maintain the civilization they have been handed.

Read the rest at The Blaze

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