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In the latest victory against right-wing extremism, police officers pull a 16 year-old girl out of chemistry class and advise her to stop posting Smurf-themed AfD-friendly content to TikTok I wrote in February about the plans of Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) to combat “right-wing extremism,” by re-purposing the regulatory state to restrict the speech, travel and economic activity of people with inconvenient opinions. She wants to use state resources to intimidate “those who mock the state,” and she


Why Olaf Scholz is not a "peace Chancellor," why Ukraine still stands a good chance of getting their cruise missiles, and why the entire debate surrounding Taurus is such a riddle The Taurus leak continues to dominate German headlines. It is an incredible embarrassment for the Luftwaffe, and for the Scholz government it is yet another in a long line of unwelcome crises. Some have ventured to characterise Olaf Scholz as the “peace Chancellor,” opposed to war-hawks like Emmanuel Macron, who


The German energy transition threatens to be an unaffordable, unrealisable disaster, according to the government's own independent auditors The German Bundesrechnungshof, or the Federal Audit Office, is an independent government body charged by statue with overseeing the economic management of the Federal Republic. Last week, they published a devastating “Report … on the implementation of the energy transition” in Germany. Every one of its fifty-eight pages represents a brutal


How the climatoids spent the summer lecturing us on the permanent drought that climate change has brought to Central Europe, and how they have earned nothing but rain for their hubris June headlines: "Germany is facing permanent drought." August headlines after a rainy summer: "Rain is no help against drought." December headlines after still more rain: "There is no more drought." In the past year, Germans have had to read a great deal about how carbon dioxide-induced drought is on the


After a 17-hour meeting to address the escalating migrant crisis, German federal and state politicians produce a 5000-word resolution that promises nothing and offers no meaningful solutions at all On Monday, negotiators from the German federal and state governments met to hammer out a solution to the migration crisis. The states themselves have been overwhelmed by the flood of refugees, whose numbers exceed all available infrastructure and financial resources. The federal government – the worst we have had since 1949


Crazy Munich doctor earns nationwide press coverage with call for Germans to resume indoor masking because "we have a lot of infections right now," even though we don't Clemens Wendtner is an oncologist and head physician at the Munich Schwabing Clinic. Despite his total lack of epidemiological qualifications, he rose to prominence in the pandemic because he ended up treating some of the very first officially recognized Covid infections in Germany. In those early days, he was fond
